your private production database

private casting database

grow and control your own database of talent.

private crew database

organize and grow your bench of go to crew for any project.

private vendor database

keep your favorite vendors all in one spot.

manage a personalized, private database designed specifically for media production

RoleCall gives your team the tools you need to cast or crew as effectively as possible.

instant on board

No more emailing headshots and resumes! RoleCall let’s you on-board new talent/crew seamlessly into a project you’re actively booking with instant access to all their photos, reels, and info.

curation is king

With RoleCall you control who’s listed in your database. From your favorites to fresh faces – no more 1000s of unqualified submissions. You control the flow and who gets the job invite

team permissions

Invite your team to your database and set the right permissions for each person. Team members can then be assigned to all or only specific projects you’re hiring for.

rolecall message

Save you email inbox and use the in app messaging system to keep all your convos in one spot!

RoleCall Concierge

if you can’t find who you’re looking for in your database – shoot us an email and a RoleCall concierge will work with you and your team through your digital casting and crewing for free!

who’s using RoleCall

RoleCall makes it so you spend less time searching & interviewing and more time creating. Do triple the work with a third of the resources.

casting directors

Take full control of your principal or background casting process with a modern, easy to use casting interface. Cast triple the amount of projects in a third of the time.

film offices

Get all the people and companies in your city or state ready to work. Organize all your Projects in one spot and invite producers to join your database to find what they need.

film schools

Curate a database of student crew and actors for student projects and thesis films. Know what cast/crew is current students, alumni or outside of your organization.

production companies

If you’re cranking out content and doing a lot of your hiring in house then a RoleCall database let’s you keep tabs on your favorite actors and crew members with the ability to find new talent as needed.

Join Your First Database

Actors, Crew, Vendors join the internal RoleCall production database and get into the system right away! Once you make your profile it can be added to an unlimited number of databases that use RoleCall. So you update one profile and it updates in all your databases instantly.

scalable pricing

Shoot us an email for enterprise pricing


$15/m/team seat


$50/m/500 profiles

Branded Database URL |

Cast and/or Crew under one databaseInstant

On-board with Public Share URLs

Team Permissions

Project Permissions


Unlimited Submissions

Unlimited Invites

Unlimited Messaging

actor & crew & vendors


Manage your Talent and/or Crew profile from one login.


Unlimited Submissions

Unlimited Invites

Unlimited Reels

Unlimited Messaging

Belong to Unlimited Databases


optional PRO account

$25/ year | crew & talent

$50/ year | vendor

'RoleCall Ready'

your county might be camera ready but are you RoleCall ready? RoleCall will work with you and your team on the city, county, and state level to make sure your community is ready to welcome more film production.

welcome to RoleCall